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#EEE2020 is BACK!

Dr. Bahby #EEE2020.jpg

We are kicking off the summer with YOU in mind!

You are cordially invited to the

#BYOV Reflection Re-treat

held on Saturday, June 30 from


at 1075 Residents Club Drive in Cary! 

Seating is limited. 

Buy your ticket today!

 Come treat yourself to another day of laughs and tears as we open the floor for #ENVISIONers to share their updates!

We're excited to see what people have accomplished in the past few months, and equally excited to celebrate those who might need a little nudging or encouragement to reach their goals.  We got you, sis! 

That said...

Grab your car keys.
Grab your vision board.
Grab a friend.

Most importantly: Bring a smile and a spirit of love!

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